Aeschylus. Prometheus the fire-bearer
Aeschylus. Prometheus pyrphoros
Aeschylus. Prometheus the fire-giver
Aeschylus. Promotheus the firebearer
Aeschylus. Promotheus purphoros
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
found: Bennett, W.C. Prometheus the fire-giver :an attempted restoration of the lost first part of the Prometheian trilogy of Aeschylus, 1877.
found: Encl. Brit(under entry for Aeschylus: Prometheus pyrphoros (Prometheus the firebearer))
found: Seyffert, O. A dict. of classical antiq., 1956,p. 520 (Prometheus the fire-bearer)
found: Oxford comp. to classical lit., 1959,p. 348 (Prometheus the Fire-bearer (Prometheus purphoros))
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Change Notes
1983-03-21: new
1990-05-14: revised
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