found: Berkeley, R. The history of the Rifle Brigade in the War of 1914-1918, 1927-36 (subj.)t.p. (Rifle Brigade) cover (on shield: The Prince Consort's Own)
found: LC data base, 8-17-83(hdg.: Great Britain. Army. Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own))
found: LC manual auth. cd. for: Great Britain. Army. London Rifle Brigade(formed in 1859, it now forms part of the Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own))
found: Reg. of regiments and corps of the British Army, c1972:p. 262-263 (hdg.: The Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own)); detailed history from 1800 to 1968; titles include: 1881-1920, Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own) [no publs. in LC data base]; 1920-58, The Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own); in 1958 redesig. 3rd Green Jackets, The Rifle Brigade [no publs. in LC data base]; 1966, further redesig. 3rd Battalion, The Royal Green Jackets (The Rifle Brigade) [no publs. in LC data base] thus amalgamating with other units of Green Jackets Brigade to form: The Royal Green Jackets; 1968, sub-title (The Rifle Brigade was dropped) [Hdg. in LC data base is therefore latest name of unit at brigade level]
found: Land forces of Britain, the Empire and Commonwealth on WWW home page, Feb. 12, 2002:(The Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own); 1800, The Corps of Riflemen; 1802, 95th Regiment of Foot; 1812, 95th Regiment of Foot (Riflemen); 1816, The Rifle Brigade; 1862, The Prince Consort's Own Rifle Brigade; 1881.07.01, The Prince Consort's Own (Rifle Brigade); 1921, The Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own); 1958.11.07, 3rd Green Jackets, The Rifle Brigade; 1966.01.01, united with 1st Green Jackets, 43rd and 52nd, and 2nd Green Jackets, The King's Royal Rifle Corps to form 3rd Bn, The Royal Green Jackets)
found: Wikipedia www site, 3 July 2008:Royal Green Jackets page (The Royal Green Jackets was an infantry regiment of the British Army; it was formed in 1966 by the amalgamation of the 1st Green Jackets (43rd and 52nd) [no publs. in LC data base], Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry; 2nd Green Jackets, The King's Royal Rifle Corps and the 3rd Green Jackets, The Rifle Brigade)