found: O'Keefe, P. J. Existing legislative protection of the cultural and natural heritage of the Pacific region, 1980?:t.p. (Dr. Lyndel V. Prott, reader int'l law, Univ. of Sydney)
found: Her Law and the cultural heritage, 1984- :v. 1, t.p. (Lyndel V. Prott) p. 4 of cover (Lyndel Vivien Prott; Dr. Juris. (Tübingen); Licence spéciale en droit international (Brussels); B.A., LL.B. (Syd.))
found: LC data base, 3/16/84(hdg.: Prott, Lyndel V.)
found: BL auth. file, 14 Dec. 2006(hdg.: Prott, Lyndel V.)