found: His Statistical optics, 1984:CIP t.p. (Joseph W. Goodman, Prof., Elec. Eng., Stanford Univ.)
found: LC data base, 6-14-84(hdg.: Goodman, Joseph W.)
found: Proceedings of the Fourth Internatl. Conf. Massively Parallel Processing Using Optical Interconnections, c1997:t.p. (J. Goodman) p. vii (Joseph W. Goodman; Stanford)
found: Speckle phenomena in optics, theory and applications, 2020:ECIP t.p. (Joseph W. Goodman) p. v (Ph. D., 1963; radar countermeasures)
found: ProQuest dissertations, Aug. 19, 2019(hdg.: Goodman, Joseph Wilfred; Stanford University)