found: Le Codex Guta-Sintram : manuscrit 37 de la Bibliothèque ... c1983:p. 9 (Chanoines réguliers de saint Augustin)
found: New Catholic encyc.(Canons Regular of St. Augustine; also called Austin Canons)
found: Heimbucher, M. Die Orden und Kongregationen der kath. Kirche,v. 1, p. 393 (Augustiner-Chorherren)
found: Encyclop. Britannica, micropaedia(Augustinian Canons; also Austin Canons; in full: Canons Regular of St. Augustine; religious order of men in Roman Catholic Church)
found: Kapsner(Augustinian Canons; refs. from: Austin Canons, Black Canons, Canons Regular of St. Augustine, Ordo Canonicorum Regularium Sancti Augustini; abbreviations: C.R.S.A., C.S.A.; founded 11th cent.)
found: LC manual cat.(hdg.: Augustinian Canons)
found: Kultura intelektualna kanoników regularnych z klasztoru w Kraśniku w latach 1469-1563, 2002:p. 11 (kanoników regularnych św. Augustyna)