John, the Solitary, of Apamea, active 5th century
Apamea, Johannes von, active 5th century
Apamea, John, the Solitary, of, active 5th century
Apamée, Jean d', active 5th century
Apameia, Jôhannàn von, active 5th century
Jean, d'Apamée, active 5th century
Jean, le Solitaire, active 5th century
Jôhannàn, von Apameia, active 5th century
Johannes, der Einsiedler, active 5th century
Johannes, von Apamea
Yoḥannan, Iḥidaya
Yoḥannan Yiḥidaya
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Earlier Established Forms
found: His Dialogues et traités, 1984:t.p. (Jean d'Apamée) p. 17, etc. (possibly three Jean d'Apamée: Jean d'Apamée de Syrie, 4th or 5th cent. [likely author of these Dialogues]; Jean d'Apamée de Syrie, also called Jean l'Egyptien; Jean d'Apamée en Mésopotamie, d. ca. 786) p. 15 (this wk. also attrib. to Jean de Lycopolis, d. ca. 394; referred to variously as Jean le Solitaire) p. 47 (Jean le Solitaire)
found: LC man cat.(hdg.: Yoḥannan Yiḥidaya; usage: Jôhannàn von Apameia, Jean d'Apamée, Johannes der Einsiedler, Yoḥannan Iḥidaya, Johannes von Apamea, John the Solitary of Apamea)
found: BLC(John, the Solitary, of Apamea)
found: John the Solitary on the Soul, 2013:ECIP text ("Actually in the manuscripts, according to Brock, the various works are attributed to John the Solitary, John of Apamea and John of Lykopolis (394). John the Solitary and John of Apamea are both early 5th century and probably the same person while John of Lykopolis, also author of works on spirituality, would be an incorrect association. Brock includes in his discussion John the Egyptian whose teaching Philoxenus opposed, and the later John of Apamea condemned by Timothy I in 786. Lavenant agrees that this latter John is not our author ...")
notfound: Cath. encycl.;New Cath. encycl.
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Change Notes
1984-11-23: new
2015-10-10: revised
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