found: His Semantic structure and the verb, 1985:t.p. (Kapil Kapoor) jkt. (Dr. Kapil Kapoor; asso. prof. of Eng., Jawahar Lal Nehru U., New Delhi)
found: Dimensions of Pāṇini grammar, 2005:jkt. (Kapil Kapoor; b. 1940; prof. of English, Centre for Linguistics and English and concurrent prof., Special Centre for Sanskrit Studies, J.N. U., New Delhi)
found: Rati-bhakti, 2011:t.p. (Kapila Kapūra)
found: Brahma's universe, the chronicle of creation, 2020:foreword (Prof. Kapil Kapoor, chairman, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla)
found: Bharatavarsha, the India narrative, 2017:title page (Prof. Kapil Kapoor) jacket (He is currently the Chancellor of Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University, Wardha and chairman, India Policy Foundation, New Delhi)
found: Wikipedia viewed on November 23, 2022;(Kapil Kapoor (born 17 November 1940) is an Indian scholar of linguistics and literature and an authority on Indian intellectual traditions. He is former Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and served as professor at the Centre for Linguistics and English, and at the Centre for Sanskrit Studies there before retiring in 2005. He is Editor-in-Chief of the 11-Volume Encyclopedia of Hinduism published by Rupa & Co. in 2012) -