found: His Greener than you think, 1985, c1947:CIP t.p. (Ward Moore) pub. info. (deceased)
found: LC data base, 1-17-85(hdg.: Moore, Ward, 1903- )
found:, WWW site, Dec. 4, 2006:(b. Aug. 10, 1903, d. Jan. 28, 1978)
found: Más verde de lo que creéis, 1977:title page (by Ward Moore)
found: Wikipedia, 8 August 2016(Ward Moore; Ward Moore (born August 10, 1903 in Madison, New Jersey; died January 28 1978 in Pacific Grove, California) was the working name of American writer Joseph Ward Moore; according to The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, "he contributed only infrequently to the field, [but] each of his books became something of a classic;" Moore began publishing with the novel Breathe the Air Again (1942); his most famous work is the alternate history novel Bring the Jubilee (1953); Moore's other novels include Cloud By Day, Greener Than You Think, Joyleg (co-authored with Avram Davidson), and Caduceus Wild (co-authored with Robert Bradford); Moore is also known for the two short stories (since collected) "Lot" (1953) and "Lot's Daughter" (1954); the film Panic in Year Zero! (1962) was (without giving credit) based on Lot and Lot's Daughter)