found: His The dark page, 1951:t.p. (Neil Bell)
found: LC manual authority cd.(hdg.: Southwold, Stephen, 1887- ; variant: Neil Bell, pseud.)
found: BLC(some entries under Southwold, Stephen; many more under Bell, Neil, his predominant usage)
found: Mellown, E.W. A descriptive cat. of the bibliographies of 20th cent. Brit. poets, novelists, and dramatists, 1978(Southwold, Stephen, 1887-1964; pseud.: Neil Bell)
found: The gas war of 1940, 1931:t.p. ("Miles", author of The seventh bowl, etc.)
found: The Truth about My Father, 1934
found: BL database, 21 May 2012:(hdg.: Martens, Paul, pseud. [i.e. Stephen Southwold.])