found: Picasso, P. Through the eye of Picasso, 1928-1934, c1985:t.p. (Jan Krugier, Geneva)
found: New York times WWW site, Nov. 20, 2008(Jan Krugier; b. Janick Krygier in Radom, Poland; d. Saturday [Nov. 15, 2008], Geneva, aged 80; survived two years in Nazi concentration camps as a young man and went on to become a highly regarded dealer of work by artists like Picasso, Morandi, Balthus, and Giacometti)
found: Independent online ed., Dec. 4, 2008(Jan Krugier; b. Janick Jakov Krygier, May 12, 1928, Radom, Poland; d. Nov. 15, 2008, Geneva)