found: His Recollections, 1984:t.p. (Marion Brown) p. 17 (b. Atlanta, Ga. 1935)
found: His Soundways [SR] 1973?:labels (Marion Brown) container (Marion Brown, alto saxophone, clarinet, piano, percussion; teaches at Bowdoin College)
found: New Grove dict. of jazz(Brown, Marion (Jr.); b. 9-8-35, Atlanta; alto saxophonist)
found: New York times WWW site, Oct. 25, 2010(in obituary published Oct. 23: Marion Brown; b. Sept. 8, 1931, Atlanta; d. Monday [Oct. 18, 2010], Fort Lauderdale, Fla., aged 79; saxophonist whose lyrical, low-key style made him a distinctive presence in the high-energy jazz avant-garde of the 1960s and '70s)