found: Coșbuc, G. Opere alese, 1972- :v. 7, t.p. (Gh. Chivu)
found: LC data base, 5-15-86(hdg.: Chivu, Gheorghe; usage: Gheorghe Chivu)
found: Biblioteca Centrală Universitară "Lucian Blaga" Cluj-Napoca online authority file, Sept. 16, 2020:(hdg.: Chivu, Gheorghe (1947- ))
found: Wikipedia, viewed March 22, 2022:Romanian Gheorghe Chivu [lingvist] page (Gheorghe Chivu; born 7 October 1947 in Micşuneştii-Mari, judeţul Ilfov; Romanian linguist and phlologist; university professor and corresponding member of the Academia Română; research interests: philology; history of the Romanian language) -