found: Her The household of faith, c1986:CIP t.p. (Ann Taves) publ. info. (asst. prof. of hist. of Christianity, Sch. of Theology, Claremont)
found: LC data base, 12/10/85(MLC hdg.: Taves, Ann, 1952-)
found: Journal of Mormon history, 2015:volume 41, number 4, page 199 (Ann Taves; professor of religious studies at University of California at Santa Barbara; focus on history of Christianity)
found: University of California at Santa Barbara web site, January 8, 2024:(Ann Taves, Distinguished Professor (Emerita), Ph.D., The University of Chicago ; [email protected]) CV (Education: PhD The Divinity School, The University of Chicago, 1983; MA The Divinity School, The University of Chicago, 1979; BA Pomona College, 1974 ; academic appointments: University of California at Santa Barbara, 2005-; Claremont School of Theology, 1983-2005) -