found: Epochen der Kirchengeschichte, 1980:title page (Ekkehard Mühlenberg)
found: LC data base, January 22, 1985(hdg.: Mühlenberg, Ekkehard)
found: Predigt in der alten Kirche, 1994:title page (E. Mühlenberg) page 5 (Ekkehard Mühlenberg)
found: Epistula canonica, 2008:t.p. (Ekkehardus Mühlenberg)
found: German Wikipedia, viewed January 15, 2013(Ekkehard Mühlenberg; born July 29, 1938, in Friedrichshafen; German theologian and church historian; taught at Claremont Graduate University and Universität Göttingen)
found: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek online catalog, viewed June 2, 2024(authorized access point: Mühlenberg, Ekkehard; other data in authority record: theologian; professor of church history; born 1938 in Friedrichshafen; variant form of name: Mühlenberg, Ekkehardus)