found: nuc85-68045: His Kallist und Tertullian [MI] 1920(hdg. on McC rept.: Koch, Hugo, 1869- ; usage: Hugo Koch)
found: Quellen zur Geschichte der Askese und des Mönchtums in der alten Kirche, 1933:title page (herausgegeben von Hugo Koch)
found: German Wikipedia, viewed January 26, 2024(Hugo Koch (Theologe); Hugo Koch; born April 7, 1869, in Andelfingen (now a town section of Langenenslingen, in the Landkreis Biberach); died July 26, 1940, in Munich; German Catholic theologian and church historian; from 1920 on, he worked closely with Alfred Rosenberg; he obtained his Dr. phil. in 1891 and his Dr. theol. in 1899, both at Tübingen; he spent the last decades of his life in Munich as an independent scholar; he wrote articles for the Münchner neueste Nachrichten)
found: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek online catalog, viewed January 26, 2024(authorized access point: Koch, Hugo; other data in authority record: German Catholic canonist, theologian and church historian; born 1869; died 1940)