found: nuc85-76886: His Ho kairos tōn Olviōn ... 1975(hdg. on NN rept.: Pieridēs, G. Philippou; usage: G. Philippou Pieridē [sic])
found: His Ta neoellēnika grammata stēn Aigypto, 1971:t.p. (G.Ph. Pieridē)
found: Hē tetralogia tōn Kairōn, 1989:t.p. (G. Philippou Pieridē) cover flap (Giōrgos Philippou Pieridēs; b. 1904 in Dali, Cyprus; dir. of the Dēmotikē Vivliothēkē kai Pinakothēkē Ammochōstou (1954-1971); writer of fiction, critic, translator)
found: Memories and stories from Egypt, 1992:t.p. (George Philippou Pierides) cover p. 1 (G. Philippou-Pierides)
found: Yiorgos Philippou Pierides, 1995:p. 7 (b. August 9, 1904)