found: Applying economic analysis to portfolio management, c1985:t.p. (Robert D. Arnott) p. ix (exec. v.-p. and chief investment off., Trust Services of America)
found: Oil and gas equities, 1994:t.p. (Robert Arnott) jkt. (doctorate in geology; now an investment analyst, specialising in upstream oil and gas companies, with Goldman Sachs Intl. in London)
found: The Fundamental Index, c2008:CIP t.p. (Robert D. Arnott) data view (b. June 29, 1954) pref. (Rob Arnott)
found: Non-COVID excess deaths, 2020-21, 2022:title page (Robert D. Arnott) abstract page (Research Affiliates LLC, Newport Beach, CA)
found: Wikipedia, October 3, 2022:Arnott page (Robert D. Arnott (born June 29, 1954) is an American entrepreneur, investor, editor and writer; founder and chairman of the board of Research Affiliates) -