found: Ellis, G.B. Olds College agricultural education database manual, 1985:t.p. (Olds College, Olds, Alberta, Canada)
found: NLC 6/19/86(AACR 2: Olds College)
found: Wikipedia, viewed 30 April 2020:Olds College (public post-secondary institution located in Olds, Alberta; Alberta government established three demonstration farms in 1913, with the one near Olds known as Olds Agricultural College, with the name changed to Olds Agricultural and Vocational College in 1963 and to Olds College in 1970, with provincial administration moving from the Ministry of Agriculture to the Ministry of Advanced Education; opened its first satellite campus in Calgary in 2006)
found: Olds College web site, viewed 30 April 2020:our history (provincially funded demonstration farm started in 1911, Olds School of Agriculture and Home Economics opened on November 21, 1913, Olds School of Agriculture is renamed Olds Agricultural Vocational College [1963], Olds Agricultural and Vocational College renamed Olds College [1970])
found: Canadiana, viewed 30 April 2020(authorized access point (0003K9730): Olds College [established 1913, the official name, Olds School of Agriculture and Home Economics, changed May 1, 1963, to Olds Agricultural and Vocational College]; variant access points: Alberta. Alberta Advanced Education and Manpower. Olds College, Alberta. Alberta Advanced Education. Olds College, Alberta. Alberta Agriculture. Olds College, Alberta. Department of Advanced Education. Olds College, Alberta. Department of Agriculture. Olds College, Olds Agricultural and Vocational College, Olds School of Agriculture and Home Economics)
found: Olds College web site, viewed 14 April 2023:home page ([wordmark] Olds College of Agriculture & Technology); [copyright] Olds College)