found: Voprosy teorii grupp i gomologicheskoĭ algebry, 1985:t.p. (A.L. Onishchika)
found: Vinberg, Ė. Lie groups and algebraic groups, c1990:t.p. (A. L. Onishchik) t.p. verso (Arkadij L. Onishchik, Dept. of Mathematics, Yaroslavl University, Yaroslavl, USSR) CIP data sheet (b. 11/14/33)
found: His Algebra und Geometrie, 1986:t.p. (A.L. Oniščik)
found: Lie groups and Lie algebras III, c1994:CIP t.p. (A.L. Onishchik) data sh. (Arkady L. Onishchik)
found: Topology of transitive transformation groups, c1994:t.p. (Arkadi L. Onishchik)