found: His De arte bibendi libri tres, 1582:t.p. (... Vincentio Obsopoeo)
found: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, v. 24, p. 408(Opsopäus, Vincentius, or Obsopaeus)
found: NUC(hdg.: Opsopoeus, Vincentius)
found: His How to drink, 2020ECIP t.p. (Vincent Obsopoeus) data view (Renaissance humanist and neoclassical poet Vincent Obsopoeus (ca. 1498-1539))
found: Wikipedia, viewed Jan. 13, 2020(Vincent Obsopoeus; a German humanist, Latin poet, and translator active in the Reformation. His most famous work, De Arte Bibendi (The Art of Drinking), was published in 1536. He died in 1539)
found: BnF, catalogue général, viewed December 21, 2021(Opsopoeus, Vincentius ; philologist ; died September 1539 in Ansbach, Germany ; variants: Vincentius Opsopaeus, Vincent Obsopaeus) -
found: Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, viewed December 21, 2021(Opsopoeus, Vincentius ; died September 1539 in Ansbach ; German philologist and Latin poet ; teacher in Salzburg ; from 1524 studies in Wittenberg and Leipzig ; since 1528 school principal in Ansbach ; belonged to the circle of Wilibald Pirckheimer ; variants: Vincent Opsopoeus, Vinzenz Heidecker, Vinzenz Haidnecker, Vinzenz Haidenecker, Vincentius Heydenecker, Vincentius Obsepeius, Vincentius Obsopeus, Vincentius Heidnecker, Vincentius Opsopeus, Vincentius Heydnecker, Vincentius Haidnecker) -