found: nuc86-108451: A new direction in Japanese defense policy, 1984(hdg. on NBuU rept.: Vogel, Steven Kent; usage: Steven Kent Vogel)
found: Freer markets, more rules, 1996:CIP t.p. (Steven K. Vogel)
found: Phone call to pub., 02-01-96(Steven K. Vogel, same as Steven Kent Vogel; with Harvard)
found: Japan remodeled, 2006:ECIP t.p. (Steven Vogel) publisher's info (b. Dec. 14, 1961)
found: The political economy reader, 2021:eCIP t.p. (Steven K. Vogel) data view screen (s Chair of the Political Economy Program, the Il Han New Professor of Asian Studies, and a Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Berkeley)