found: nuc86-109310: Structure and outcome, 1979(hdg. on MoSW rept.: Holland, Thomas P.; usage: Thomas P. Holland)
found: Chait, R. The effective board of trustees, c1991:CIP t.p. (Thomas P. Holland)
found: Building effective boards for religious organizations, 1999:CIP t.p. (Thomas P. Holland) data sheet (b. 19 Aug. 1942)
found: Ethical governance in health care, c2004:CIP t.p. (Thomas P. Holland, Ph.D.) data sheet, etc. (b. Aug. 19, 1942; prof. & co-director, Institute for Nonprofit Organizations, Univ. of Georgia)
found: ProQuest's Digital Dissertations database, July 14, 2004(Holland, Thomas Powell; PHD, Brandeis Univ., 1972)