found: nuc87-54697: His The poetry of Oscar Wilde, 1978(hdg. on OOxM rept.: Fong, Bobby; usage: Bobby Fong)
found: Christianity and culture in the crossfire, 1997:CIP t.p. (Bobby Fong)
found: Hamilton College WWW site, 18 Dec. 2000(Bobby Fong is professor of English at Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y. and has written essays on Wilde, religion and literature, multiculturalism, and baseball)
found:, via WWW, Sept. 9, 2014(in obituary dated Sept. 8, 2014: Bobby Fong; born in Oakland, Calif.; died Sept. 8 at his home in Collegeville, at 64; president of Ursinus College; earned a doctorate of English literature from the University of California at Los Angeles in 1978 and is an authority on Oscar Wilde; in July 2011, he began his work at Ursinus)
found: Butler University website, July 10, 2017past presidents page (Bobby Fong; President of Butler University June 1, 2001-2011)