found: nuc87-97062: His Domestic relations, 1969-(hdg. on MsU-L rept.: King, Samuel P.; usage: Samuel P. King)
found: Broken trust, c2006:t.p. (Samuel P. King) p. 324 (law degrees, Yale Univ.; appointed U.S. district court judge in 1972; co-founder of Hawaii's family court system)
found: lawyer locator WWW site, Apr. 21, 2006(Samuel P. King, Sr., U.S. Dist J., Honolulu, Hawaii; b. 1916)
found: New York times WWW site, Dec. 13, 2010(in obituary published Dec. 11: Samuel P. King; b. Samuel Pailthorpe King, Apr. 13, 1916, Hankow, China; d. Tuesday [Dec. 7, 2010], Honolulu, aged 94; federal judge who mobilized the power of the pen to topple overseers of one of the nation's wealthiest charities, a 19th-century trust set up by Hawaiian royalty to educate the kingdom's natives)