found: nuc87-131905: His Växtförädling, 1977(hdg. on DNAL rept.: Hagberg, Arne; usage: Arne Hagberg)
found: Proceedings of first FAO/SIDA Seminar for Plant Scientists from Africa and the Near East, 1974:page 45 (A. Hagberg; contribution: Institutional framework for inter-disciplinary research)
found: OCLC, February 6, 2020(access points: Hagberg, Arne; Hagberg, Arne, 1919- ; Hagberg, A.)
found: Wikipedia, Swedish version, February 6, 2020(Arne Hagberg; born 5 May 1919, Partille; died 19 January 2011; Swedish plant geneticist; doctorate 1953, Lunds universitet; professor of genetics and breeding of crop plants 1979-1985, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Svalöv; he was elected a member of the Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien in 1973, and of Vetenskapsakademien in 1974)