Anquetil, Jean-Baptiste Caromi, 1885-1946
Anquetil, Emmanuel, 1885-1946
Anquetil, George Emmanuel, 1885-1946
Anquetil, Jean, 1885-1946
Anquetil, Caromi, 1885-1946
Anquetil, J. E. (Jean Emmanuel), 1885-1946
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Identifies RWO
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
found: Quenette, L.R. Emmanuel Anquetil, 1985:t.p. (Emmanuel Anquetil) p. 2, etc. (Jean-Baptiste Caromi Anquetil, b. 8/18/1885 in Bassin [Mauritius], abandoned his cumbersome forenames in favor of George [sic] Emmanuel; in 1937 he used another, Jean, but his relatives continued to call him Caromi; Emmanuel Anquetil, trade unionist signed documents, J.E. Anquetil) p. 148-149 (d. 12/29/1946, 10:40 PM)
notfound: Grand dict. encycl. Larousse;Dict. de biog. fran.
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Change Notes
1987-02-06: new
1987-02-13: revised
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