found: Uit dankbaarheid, 1986:t.p. (Fraters van Tilburg)
found: Kath. enc.(Fraters van Tilburg; Congregatie der Fraters van O.L. Vrouw, Moeder van Barmhartigheid, est. in 1844)
found: New Cath. encycl., v. 10(Our Lady Mother of Mercy, Brothers of; popularly known as the Brothers of Tilburg; Congregatio Fratrum Beatae Mariae Virginis, Matris Misericordiae; CFMM)
found: Annuario pontificio, 1989:p. 1345 (Fratelli della B.V. Maria, Madre della Misericordia di Tilburg)
found: Onder radja's en koningskinderen, 1965:cover (Fraters van O.L. Vrouw, Moeder van Barmhartigheid)
found: Mission between deserts, 2009t.p. (Brothers CMM)