found: His Oilman, 1988:CIP t.p. (Michael Wallis) pub. info. (a partner in the pub. rel. firm of Wallis Gideon Wallis, Tulsa, Oklahoma; contributes articles in Smithsonian, Time, Life, etc.)
found: Phone call to pub., 10/13/87(Michael Wallis, b. 10/7/45)
found: Route 66, 1995:credits (Michael Wallis)
found: WWW, October 11, 2007Route 66 Pulse webpage (Michael Wallis; narrator of 'Route 66'; host of the PBS series 'American Roads'; the voice of the Sheriff in the animated Pixar feature 'Cars'; historian; born in 1945; lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma)
found: Wikipedia, October 26, 2018:(Michael Wallis (born October 7, 1945) is an American journalist, popular historian, author, speaker and voice actor; born in St. Louis, Missouri. He graduated from Western Military Academy in Alton, Illinois in 1963. He later attended the University of Missouri in Columbia, and moved to Miami, Florida, in 1978)