The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Name Authority File (LCNAF)

Böhmer, Paulus, 1936-2018

  • [Earlier publications misstate his birth year as 1939; later publications correctly state 1936.]
  • URI(s)

  • Variants

    • Böhmer, Paul Christoph, 1936-2018
    • Böhmer, Paulus, 1939-
  • Identifies LC/NAF RWO

  • Identifies RWO

    • Birth Date

    • Death Date

    • Birth Place

        Schöneberg (Berlin, Germany)
    • Occupation



      • Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

      • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

      • Sources

        • found: His Des Edelmannes Ernst muss Luxus sein, 198-?:t.p. (Paulus Böhmer) p. 103 (b. 1939; lives as an artist and writer in Frankfurt)
        • found: Palais d'amorph, c1999:t.p. (Paulus Böhmer) p. 154, etc. (b. 1939 in Berlin; grew up in Oberhessen and the Ruhrgebiet; living in Frankfurt am Main since 1973; studied law, architecture, Germanic studies)
        • found: Kaddish I-X, 2002:t.p. (Paulus Böhmer) dust jacket (b. 1936 in Berlin; grew up in Oberhessen and the Ruhrgebiet; lives in Frankfurt am Main; studied law, architecture, Germanic studies)
        • found: 21 Briefe an Froilleins, 2008:t.p. (Paulus Böhmer) p.[50] (born 1936 in Berlin, lives in Frankfurt am Main)
        • found: Paulus Böhmer, 2019:t.p. (Paulus Böhmer, Malerpoet und Lyriker des Grossformats, 1936-2018) p. 92-93, Lebensdaten (b. Sept. 20, 1936, in Berlin-Schöneberg; 1958-1960 studied law in Frankfurt am Main, dropped out; 1961-1962 studied architecture at TU Berlin, dropped out; 1962-1965 completes training as an industrial clerk with Goldschmidt AG in Mannheim-Rheinau; 1965-1966 becomes literary writer and fine arts painter in Munich; 1966 begins move to Frankfurt am Main while still working at nursery in Nieder-Ofleiden (Hesse), marries Haifa-born translator Lydia; move to Frankfurt is complete in 1973; died there on Dec. 5, 2018) p. 8 (birthname Paul Christoph Böhmer, renamed himself Paulus Böhmer in 1965) p. 63 (author of Des Edelmannes Ernst muss Luxus sein, [1983]) p. 66 (author of Palais d'Amorph, 1999, [which has erroneous birthdate in Biobibliographische Notizen])
        • found: No Home, 2019:t.p. (Paulus Böhmer) colophon (born 1936 in Berlin) p.287 (died Dec. 5, 2018)
      • LC Classification

        • PT2662.O48
      • General Notes

        • [Earlier publications misstate his birth year as 1939; later publications correctly state 1936.]
      • Instance Of

      • Scheme Membership(s)

      • Collection Membership(s)

      • Change Notes

        • 1987-11-23: new
        • 2022-06-23: revised
      • Alternate Formats