found: Suchlicki, J. The crisis in Central America, c1987:t.p. (Lee Hamilton) p. iv (U.S. representative from Indiana's ninth district; is chairman of the Eur. & Middle East Subcomm. of the Foreign Affairs Comm.)
found: U.S. Cong. House. Select Com. to Invest. Covert Arms Transactions with Iran. Report of the congressional ... c1988:t.p. (Lee H. Hamilton)
found: His A creative tension, c2002:ECIP t.p. (Lee H. Hamilton) data sheet (b. 1931)
found: Biog. dir. of the U.S. Congress, July 21, 2004(Hamilton, Lee Herbert; b. Daytona Beach, Fla., April 20, 1931; representative from Indiana, Jan. 3, 1965-Jan. 3, 1999)
found: Lessons of 9/11 for America, c2007:t.p. (Lee H. Hamilton)