Tossignano, Pietro da, -1401
Curialti, Pietro, -1401
Da Tossignano, Pietro, -1401
Petrus de Tussignano, -1401
Pietro da Tossignano, -1401
Tausignano, Petrus de, -1401
Tausignano, Piero, -1401
Tossignana, Pietro da, -1401
Tossignano, Pietro da, d. 1401
Tussignano, Petrus de, -1401
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Identifies RWO
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Earlier Established Forms
found: Ketham, J. Fasciculus medicinae, 1500:p. [33] (... Petri de Tausignano)
found: Hirsch, A. Biog. Lex.(Tussignano, Petrus de, fl. 1376-1398, d. ca. 1410)
found: Wellcome cat. of printed books,v. 1 (Tussignano, Petrus de (d. before 1403))
found: Storia di Milano, 1953:v. 11, pt. 12, p. 615 (Pietro Curialti, better known as Pietro da Tossignano; alive in 1401, died in the first yr. of the 15th c.)
found: Renzi, S. de. Storia d. medicina in Ital., 1845:v. 2, p. 231 (Pietro da Tossignana)
found: Ketham, J. Queste sono le cose contenute, 1509:t.p. (Piero da Tusignano)
found: Cosenza, M.E. Biogr. and bibl. dict. of the Ital. humanists, 1962:v. 3, p. 2716 (Petrus de Tussignano)
found: Fasiculo de medicina, 1494:p. 52 (dal famosissimo doctor delle arti & di medicina Maestro Piero Tausignano)
notfound: Ferrari;Marshall.
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
1989-10-27: new
2013-03-14: revised
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