Swanson, Eric
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found: His The greenhouse effect, c1990:CIP t.p. (Eric Swanson) info from publisher (grad. of Yale, lives in Manhattan)
found: Karmapa the sacred prophecy, 1999:t.p. verso (Eric Swanson)
found: Rinpoche, Tsoknyi. Open heart, open mind, c2012:title page (Tsoknyi Rinpoche with Eric Swanson) book jacket (Eric Swanson is coauthor, with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, of the New York Times bestseller The joy of living and its follow-up volume, Joyful wisdom. A graduate of Yale University and the Julliard School, he is the author of several works of fiction and nonfiction. After converting to Buddhism in 1995, he cowrote Karmapa, the sacred prophecy, a history of the Karma Kagyu lineage, and authored What the lotus said, a memoir.)
found: Penguin Random House, via www, 24 July 2019(Eric Swanson is coauthor of The joy of living. A graduate of Yale University and the Juilliard School, he is the author of the novels The greenhouse effect and The boy in the lake. After converting to Buddhism in 1995, he cowrote Karmapa, the sacred prophecy and authored What the lotus said, both of which focus on Buddhism within Tibet.)
notfound: RLIN; OCLC data bases, 10-26-00
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1989-11-09: new
2019-07-25: revised
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