found: His How does uncertainty about the real exchange rate affect exports? 1989:t.p. (Ricardo J. Caballero)
found: Nonlinear aggregate investment dynamics, c1998:t.p. (Ricardo J. Caballero) abstract (Dept. of Econ., M.I.T., Cambridge, MA, and NBER)
found: A quantitative model of sudden stops and external liquidity management, c2005:t.p. of .pdf (Ricardo J. Caballero) abstract p. (Ricardo Caballero)
found: His c.v., via WWW, Oct. 10, 2006(Ricardo J. Caballero; b. Oct. 20, 1959; Ford Intl. Prof. of Econ., MIT; B.S. and M.A., Pontificia Univ. Católica de Chile; Ph. D., MIT; lists works)
found: Pontificia Univ. Católica de Chile OPAC, Oct. 10, 2006(hdgs.: Caballero, Ricardo Jorge; Caballero, Ricardo J.; Caballero Gibbons, Ricardo)
found: His El problema de control y el principio del máximo, 1983:t.p. (Ricardo Caballero G.) cover (Ricardo Caballero)