found: nuc88-114194: The African experience in community development, 1980-81(hdg. on OKentU rept.: Crosby, Edward W.; usage: Edward W. Crosby)
found: LC data base, 9-6-89(hdg.: Crosby, Edward W.)
found: Kent State University website, Department of Pan-African Studies, viewed Dec. 6, 2013(Edward Crosby; master's in German, Kent State, 1959; taught German and Spanish at Hiram College for 2 years, and again 1963-1965; PhD in medieval German languages, Univ. of Kansas, 1965; taught at Tuskegee Institute 1962-63; asked to create a black studies program at Kent State in 1968, the Institute for African American Affairs was created 1969; he retired Jan. 1994)
found: Wikipedia, Dec. 6, 2013(Edward W. Crosby; Edward Warren Crosby; b. Nov. 4, 1932, Cleveland)