found: Nikolaus von Kues, "Pförtner der neuen Zeit", 1988:title page (Rudolf Haubst)
found: LC data base, November 16, 1989(hdg.: Haubst, Rudolf)
found: Studien zu Nikolaus von Kues und Johannes Wenck, 1955:title page (Rudolf Haubst, Privatdozent an der Universität Bonn)
found: Das Sehen Gottes nach Nikolaus von Kues, 1989:title page (Rudolf Haubst) page 10 (Haubst, Rudolf, Prof. Dr., Direktor des Cusanus-Instituts)
found: German Wikipedia, viewed October 21, 2021(Rudolf Haubst; born April 18, 1913, in Maring an der Mosel (Maring-Noviand, in the Landkreis Bernkastel-Wittlich); died July 19, 1992, in Mainz; German Catholic theologian; he was ordained to the priesthood in Trier in 1937; he spent time in Koblenz and Trier; appointed to the faculty of the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz in 1958; in 1960, he founded the Institut für Cusanus-Forschung in Mainz (it moved to Trier in 1980) and served as its first director; he was also the first chairman of the Cusanus-Gesellschaft)