found: nuc90-18500: His Physiological ecology of Castle Lake phytoplankton, 1982(hdg. on CU-S rept.: Priscu, John Charles; usage: John Charles Priscu, Jr.)
found: Ecosystem dynamics in a polar desert, 1998:CIP t.p. (John C. Priscu) data sheet (b. Sept. 20, 1952)
found: Physiological ecology of Castle Lake phytoplankton: a comparison of shallow and deep-water communities, 1982:title page (John Charles Priscu, Jr.; B.S. and M.S. from University of Nevada, Las Vegas; PhD in ecology from UC Davis in 1982)
found: OCLC, July 14, 2021(access: Priscu, J. C., Priscu, John Charles, Priscu, John C., Priscu, J.)
found: Wikipedia WWW site, July 14, 2021(John Charles Priscu; John C. Priscu; born September 20, 1952 in Las Vegas, Nevada; male; professor of ecology at Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences at Montana State University)