found: Salão Nacional de Artes Plásticas (9th : 1986-1987 : Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and São Paulo, Brazil). Lygia Clark e Hélio Oiticica, 1988?
found: Ayala, W. Dicionário de pintores brasileiros, c1986:v. 1, p. 207 (hdg.: Clark, Lygia; b. 1920, Belo Horizonte, MG; painting played a minor role in her work, she was mostly involved in the Concrete and Neoconcrete movements; one of the leading proponents of "painting is dead")
found: Milliet, M.A. Lygia Clark, c1992:p. 183 (d. in Rio de Janeiro, 1988)
found: Clark, Lygia. Cartas, 1964-1974, 1996:t.p. (Lygia Clark) p. 25 (Lygia Pimental Lins)