found: His The presence, c1990:CIP t.p. (T. Davis Bunn) info. from pub. (dir., internat. bus. advisory serv.; was with Rivopharm Group SA in Switzerland; taught economics and internat. bus. at Amer. Coll. of Switz.; lives in Düsseldorf, W. Ger.) data sheet (b. 1952)
found: Elixir, c2004:CIP t.p. (Davis Bunn)
found:, August 19, 2014(T. Davis Bunn (1952) is an American author. Bunn is writer of historical fiction and legal thrillers, in which Christian faith plays a big part. Bunn has recently begun publishing using the name Davis Bunn. Bunn has also used the pseudonym Thomas Locke; as Thomas Locke: The Omega Network (1994), The Delta Factor (1994), The Spectrum Chronicles (YA series), etc.)