found: Building interactive systems, 1992:CIP t.p. (Philip Gray) data sheet (b. Nov. 18, 1946)
found: Smalltalk-80, 1990:t.p. (Philip D. Gray)
found: Getting into computing, 1995:t.p. (Philip Gray)
found: BL H&SS, 17 Sept. 2001(ref.: Gray, Philip, 1946-)
found: People and computers XV, c2001:t.p. (Phil Gray)
found: A scalable home care system infrastructure supporting domiciliary care, 2007:t.p. (P.D. Gray)
found: The engineering of mixed reality systems, c2010:t.p. (Philip Gray)
found: Email from author, Apr. 14, 2010(Philip Gray; b. 1946; editor of Building interactive systems, People and computers XV, and The engineering of mixed reality systems; author of Smalltalk-80 and A scalable home care system infrastructure supporting domiciliary care)