International Organisation of Employers
Organización Internacional de Empleadores
Organization internationale des employeurs
Milletlerarası İşverenler Teşkilâti
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Identifies RWO
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
found: Reunión de Presidentes de Organizaciones Empresariales Iberoamericanas (3rd : 1990 : Mexico City, Mexico). III Reunión de Presidentes de Organizaciones ... 1990?:cover t.p. (Organización Internacional de Empleadores, OIE)
found: Yrbk. of intl. orgs., 1991/1992, v. 1:(International Organisation of Employers (IOE); Organization internationale des employeurs (OIE); Organización Internacional de Empleadores (OIE); Geneva, Switzerland; founded Nov. 1919, Wash., D.C. as International Organization of Industrial Employers [no publs. in LC]; name chg'd June 16, 1948 to defend interests of all employers, not merely industrial employers)
found: İşçilerin işletme seviyesindeki kararlara iştiraki problemi, 1969:title page (Milletlerarası İşverenler Teşkilâti)
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
1991-11-20: new
2017-05-18: revised
Alternate Formats