found: Edwards, G. My Yiddisha colleen [SR] 1911:label (Walter Van Brunt)
found: Marco, Guy. Encyclopedia of recorded sound in the U.S., c1993:(Scanlan, Walter; pseudonym used by Van Brunt for recordings, stage, and radio broadcasting work during the 1920s and 1930s)
found: Herbert, V. Gypsy love song [SR] 1924?:label (Walter Scanlon)
found: Little town in ould county down [SR] [between 1922 and 1927]:label (Thomas Shannon, National Music Lovers, 1082-B)
found: Sutton, A. Pseudonyms on American records, 2nd rev. and exp. ed., c 2005:p. 222 (Shannon, Thomas = Walter Van Brunt (mx. 41235)) p. 169 (McHugh, Martin = Walter Van Brunt (National Music Lovers))
found: Killarney [SR] [between 1922 and 1927]:label (Martin McHugh, 1081-B)