found: Encyc. Brit., 1972:v. 2, p. 886 (Ancient capital of Burma; in Sagaing district on left bank of Irawaddy, 6 mi. S. of Mandalay, last royal capital; corruption of Inwa, "the entrance to the East"; royal capital of independent Mon kingdom in Lower Burma, upon Mongol conquest of Pagan in 1287; destroyed by Shans in 1527; became capital again in 1634; in 1752 Mons captured it, but the Burmese leader Alaunpaya, who recovered it and reunited Burma, made Shwebo, 60 mi. N. of Ava, his capital; under Konbaung Dynasty which he founded, Ava was again capital from 1765 to 1783 and from 1823 to 1837; European travelers from 15th cent. onward nearly alway used the term "Ava" for Upper Burma; today site almost desolate)