found: His Oka : dernier alibi du Canada anglais, c1991:t.p. (Robin Philpot)
found: NLC, 4-7-93(Philpot, Robin)
found: Ca ne s'est pas passé comme ça à Kigali, c2003:t.p. (Robin Philpot) p. facing t.p. (also author of Oka : dernier alibi du Canada anglais) p. 4 of cover (degree in history from Univ. of Toronto, lived in Francophone Africa for three years where he taught English and history, had worked for various organizations as editor, translator, or communication specialist)
found: Rwanda and the new scramble for Africa, 2013:title page (Robin Philpot) back cover (Montreal writer, translator, and publisher; has written six books in French; co-author, A people's history of Quebec)
found: OCLC, December 31, 2014(access points: Philpot, Robin; Philpot, Robin, 1948-.... ; usage: Robin Philpot)