found: Carr, E. Symphony no. 3 [SR] p1992:label (Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra) program notes (established 1980; address: PO Box 56-024)
found: Int ww in music, 13th ed.:p. 1235 (Auckland Philharmonic Orchestra; PO Box 56-024, Auckland)
found: Te Kanawa, K. Dame Kiri and friends [SR] p2005:container (the Auckland Philharmonia) insert (Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra)
found: Auckland Philharmonia WWW site, Mar. 3, 2006(Auckland Philharmonia; founded by 19 musicians of Symphonia)
found: Grove music online, Mar. 3, 2006(under Auckland: the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra was established in 1986, preceded by the Auckland String Orchestra (1940), later the Symphonia of Auckland [no publs. in OCLC] and Auckland Regional Orchestra [no publs. in OCLC])
found: Musical America worldwide, 2006:p. 563 (Auckland Philharmonia)
found: Int. ww in classical mus., 21st ed.:p. 980 (Auckland Philharmonia; Auckland Philharmonic Orchestra [separate listings])
found: Email from Auckland Philharmonia, Mar. 6, 2006(As of last year's structural changes in the orchestra, it is now known simply as the Auckland Philharmonia; the name Auckland Philharmonic Orchestra is registered as a separate orchestra, although the orchestra itself is not currently in existence)
found: Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra WWW home page, viewed on January 19, 2016:(APO)
found: The value of Beethoven? : the economics and history of the Auckland Philharmonia, 1940 to 2014, viewed on February 1, 2016:PDF page 205 (On November 8, 1985, Dame Catherine Tizard announced that the ARO's name would change to the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra for the 1986 season)