found: Kyrie eleison, c1988:t.p. (Michael Joncas)
found: Preaching the rites of Christian initiation, c1994:CIP t.p. (Jan Michael Joncas)
found: The Catechism of the Catholic Church on liturgy and sacraments, c1995:CIP t.p. (Fr. Jan Michael Joncas)
found: From sacred song to ritual music, 1997:CIP t.p. (Jan Michael Joncas) data sheet (b. Dec. 20, 1951)
found: His Web site, viewed 2004 Jul 20(Father Jan Michael Joncas; b. 20 Dec 1951; assoc. prof., Dept. of Catholic Studies, University of St. Thomas)
found: Joncas, Michael. On eagle's wings, 2017:title page (Michael Joncas) pages 5-7 (born in Minneapolis, MN, in 1951; attended St. John Vianney College Seminary at the University of St. Thomas from 1969-1973; ordained for the [Minneapolis-St. Paul] Archdiocese as diocesan priest in 1980; earned M.A. in theology from University of Notre Dame in Indiana; teaches in the Department of Theology at the University of St. Thomas and elsewhere)
found: The American organist, July 2014:page 55 (American composer of contemporary liturgical music; he is a theologian, priest, scholar, teacher)
found: VIAF (online), viewed on November 22, 2017(access points: Joncas, Michael; Michael Joncas; Joncas, Michael, 1951- ; Joncas, Jan Michael; gender: male; nationality: US (United States); VIAF ID: 60773443 (Personal)) -
found: OCLC database, viewed on November 22, 2017(access point: Joncas, Michael; usage: Michael Joncas, Jan Michael Joncas)