found: Learning to sight-read jazz, rock, latin, and classical styles, c1994:t.p. (Willie Hill)
found: Dunscomb, J. Richard. Jazz pedagogy, c2002:title page (Dr. Willie L. Hill, Jr.) page 4 (director of the Fine Arts Center at the University of Massachusetts--Amherst and professor in music education; B.S., Grambling State University; M.M., Ph.D., University of Colorado--Boulder; president of MENC; formerly professor in music education and assistant dean of the College of Music at the University of Colorado--Boulder and director of education for the Thelonious Monk Institute; taught instrumental music in the Denver public schools; professional musician) preface (Willie Hill)
found: UMassAmherst, College of Humanities & Fine Arts, Department of Music & Dance WWW site, April 8, 2015(Willie L. Hill, Jr.; jazz musician, woodwind specialist; appointed 1999)