found: Ten preludes for guitar, c1992:t.p. (Jesús Silva)
found: OCLC, 2-23-95(hdg.: Silva, Jesús; gave guitar recital at North Carolina School of the Arts, 2-18-66)
found: History of Mexico guitar, viewed via WriteWork, May 8, 2012(Jesús Silva; 1914-1996; teacher primarily in Mexico and the U.S.; studied composition with Manuel Ponce and guitar with Andres Segovia; held positions at the National Conservatory of Music in Mexico and the North Carolina School of Music)
found: Musica viva WWW site, May 8, 2012(Jesus Silva; 1914-1996; composer from Mexico)
notfound: Intl. ww in mus., 14th ed;Dir. of mus. faculties, 1988-90, 1993-94.