found: The splendour falls, 1995:t.p. (Susanna Kearsley) p. 1 (b. Canada, 1966)
found: Every secret thing, 2010:t.p. (Susanna Kearsley) p.[3] (orig. pub. under Susanna Kearsley's pseud., Emma Cole)
found: Season of storms, 2019:title page (Susanna Kearsley) page 4 of cover (lives near Toronto)
found: Author's website, viewed on January 15, 2020:About me (studied politics and international development at university, sidestepped into museum work and became a curator, later left to waitress and write) Side notes (In some countries you'll still find this book (Every secret thing) published under thriller-writing pen name, Emma Cole...) -
found: Canadiana, January 15, 2020(heading: Kearsley, Susanna; variant: Kearsley, Susanna,1966-)