found: The darkling, 1998:CIP t.p. (Charles Butler)
found: Phone call from pub., 08/19/97(Charles Cadman Butler; b. 01/25/63)
found: Reading history in children's books, 2012:ECIP t.p. (Catherine Butler) data view (b. Jan. 25, 1963)
found: UWE Bristol website, Apr. 23, 2012(Dr. Catherine Butler; senior lecturer; BA (London), MSc, DPhil (York); arrived at UWE in 1990; as well as writing "straight" academic books and articles, I am a writer of children's fiction myself, with six novels to my name so far; books (academic): Four British fantasists, Teaching children's fiction (editor), Female replies to Swetnam the woman-hater (editor); fiction: The darkling, Calypso dreaming, Hand of blood; cover photos show Charles Butler) -
found: Modern children's literature, 2014:ECIP t.p. (Catherine Butler) data view (b. Friday, Jan. 25, 1963)