Castagno, Andrea del, 1423-1457. Last Supper
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
found: Work cat.: 97-221050: Un banquet pour l'éternité : la Cène d'Andrea del Castagno, c1997:t.p. verso (an immense fresco painted in Florence in 1447 for a monastery refectory) p. 122 (Cénacle de Sant'Apollonia)
found: The dict. of art, 1996.
found: Monro, I.S. Index to reprod. of European ptgs., 1956.
found: Nagel's Italy, c1987:p. 690 (Last Supper (Cenacolo))
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Change Notes
1998-09-16: new
1998-09-18: revised
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